I understand that: I am not required to sign this form or make COPE contributions as a condition of my employment or membership in the union; I may refuse to contribute without any reprisal; only union members and executive/administrative staff who are U.S. citizens or legal U.S. residents are eligible to contribute to SEIU Committee on Political Education (COPE). The amounts on this are merely a suggestion, and I may contribute more or less by this or some other means without fear of favor or disadvantage from the union. SEIU Committee, on Political Education (COPE) uses the money it receives for political purposes, including but not limited to addressing political issues of public importance and spending money in connection with federal, state, and local elections. This authorization shall remain in full force and effect until revoked in writing by me. Contributions to SEIU Committee on Political Education (COPE) are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. My Signature shows that I have reviewed and agreed with the terms stated here.